Monthly Archives: March 2013


How to expertly remove a tick and prevent Lyme disease

Lyme disease, it’s nasty. Heres how to properly extract a tick to minimise you chances of catching this horrible illness Glamping or hitting festivals this summer? Make sure your fun time dosent come with a high price. How to remove a tick If you find a tick on your skin or your child’s skin, remove […]


what is the norovirus?

Oh no! It’s that vomiting virus again!  Both ends erupting mega-vomits abound it’s that time of year again When Norovirus comes to town  It’s a pretty unpleasant experience; the unmistakable symptoms of Norovirus or ‘winter vomiting bug’ include feeling tired, aching limbs, tempretature and powerful vomiting but then like a bad dream it disappears as […]